Our Latest Blog Posts

Our road-building programme at Lower Pertwood Farm

One of the priorities for this year was to improve our roads so they required zero maintenance

Lambing season in Wiltshire

Lambing season in Wiltshire, England is a joyful time for farmers. Spring brings new life to their farms, and it's [...]

Pertwood Welcomes ‘Nordic Walkers’

Rachel Carter from Hindon has a group of enthusiastic walkers which she has trained using a ‘Nordic walking’ technique which [...]

Daffodils are more than just a pretty face

Daffodils are more than just a pretty face. Did you know these Spring-time flowers also play an interesting role in [...]

Embracing Nature and Roman History in Wiltshire

Nature lovers and history enthusiasts, get ready for an adventure through the breathtaking landscape and rich Roman heritage of Wiltshire, [...]

Wild Bees: The Unsung Heroes of Our Ecosystem and Their Vital Role in the United Kingdom

When it comes to organic farming and the organic industry, there's a group of tiny but indispensable workers that deserve [...]

Illustrated Pertwood Organic Farm Map

Pertwood Organic Farm recently enlisted the help of Jane Smart to produce this stunning hand-drawn map with digital finishing by [...]

Pertwood’s Commitment to Environmental Conservation: How You Can Get Involved

Pertwood Organic Farm has been a champion of environmental conservation for many years. With its stunning landscapes, rich wildlife, and [...]

Local Family Rambles

A wander around Lower Pertwood Farm (A special walk around an organic farm to enjoy nature and some magnificent views)

Nature takes over!

A further investigation revealed a nest of four very hungry blackbird chicks on top of the engine block!

Sustainable Roads

We have learnt to create totally sustainable roads on Lower Pertwood Farm.

Help Protect our AONB

Lower Pertwood Farm objection to dump site licence extension

Organic farming – Wiltshire Wildlife Trust article

Our director, Wilfred Mole, has written a great article about organic farming on Pertwood Organic Farm for the Wiltshire Wildlife [...]

The flowers are beginning to come into their own at Lower Pertwood Farm.

A strange season which started with a very cold May which inhibited germination of our flowers meant that everything got [...]


We greatly appreciate the amount of interest expressed by the general public in our activities as an organic farm.  Philosophically [...]

An unmistakable feeling of purity (Video)

Lower Pertwood Farm is so blessed to have people who walk the farm frequently and as a result learn to [...]

Livestock Matters

Lower Pertwood Farm is an ideal farm for livestock.  The rolling typography are ideal for sheep.  In fact, pre-World War [...]

Latest Arrivals at Lower Pertwood

So far it is being a very successful year for raptors at the farm. Eight new barn owls and four [...]

Hard roads are not good for the planet

At Pertwood, we like plants growing on our roads. The road planings we use are relatively porous and by spreading [...]

Impression of Nick Mann

We recently had a visit from Nick Mann, who runs a Somerset-based organisation called ‘Habitat Aid’. Here are his impressions: [...]

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